Ban on Students Unions: A suppressing Pill


The term Students’ Union can possibly refer to the organization that gives the students a medium that could carry their voice and ideas and utilize them efficiently. As students are more likely to understand the challenges that other students might be facing thus it can create an atmosphere where they can find the solutions to the problems that not only concern the students but also the problems that within any system that affects them.

One thing that nobody can disagree with is that students are the future of any state. The educational institutions serve as the laboratory that carries within itself potential enough to train the students not only to be themselves (for every idea somehow fits somewhere) but also someone better. The question arises here is that do we have the very kind of working body that could address to the problems that hinder the way of students from becoming responsible citizens of the state and later serve the society their best? The simple answer is “NO” for when it comes to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, we see that the brains- bold enough to counter the problems find no such way that could even solve their own educational related problems. The education system has become hostage in the hands of the state which later serves, very well, a handful of people. So, when only a handful of people are running the state, it is most unlikely to get to the solutions. One block runs the whole country according to its own desires and their approved narrative is being taught and more specifically being imposed on the students

History of Students’ Unions in Pakistan:

The students’ unions have been working effectively for their cause. The role of students in Pakistan Movement validates the importance of effective student wings and organizations even at massive wholescale national level. We have seen how in the times of dictatorship of Mr.Ayub Khan ,students were on the front lines of the resistance. Later Zia, although, corona has not damaged Pakistan as did Mr.Zia, suspecting that his rule might be challenged by the students ,banned the student organizations throughout the country. . Most recently as the Chairman HEC said; “Our education system can produce neither good students nor good citizens”. When bunch of military officals and conservative politicians get to decide the future of students and not the students themselves then what else can we expect from our education system.

Propaganda Against Students’ Unions:

Many attempts are made to malign even the existence of such entities. For the instant ,organizations like Jamiat Talaba Islam are also operating in the country that label themselves as student organizations but behind the curtains they serve as radical groups with duties varying from serving as moral police to spreading terror in the educational institutions. The sole purpose of such organization is to defame the importance of student organizations and to divert the attention from the issues that are nourished in the education systema and eventually the society. So, when a mass is showed that this is how the legit students’ union will like, many people hesitate accepting the importance of such organizations.

Reality of Students’ Unions:

The actual demands of Students’ Unions totally differ from the conventional built-up concept. When students demand any reforms or changes the authorities’ response is either heedless or they just suppress the voice of those students by harassing them or expelling them from the universities or college premises.  Some of the fundamental demands as well as the specific demands that have been heard in this country are as follow;

  • Each and every citizen of Pakistan whether it is male, female, transgender despite their pronouns must have the access to the quality education.
  • Students should be part of the legislation committees that make SOPs relating to the working of schools, colleges and universities. It is a very unique example where the party around whom most of the crisis revolves is not actually a part of decision-making bodies.
  • The cost of getting education especially higher education should be reduced.
  • Above all students must have freedom of speech in their institutions so that they can share the ideas and opinions openly.
  • Students raising voice against the crimes and abuse by any factors should not result in suspension just like in case Ghazi University DG Khan or in more unfortunate cases in abduction.
  • They should have the opportunities to gain political insights through means available in the educational institutions.
  • Students should not be discriminated on the basis of their ethnicity, belief, religion, political ideas. Foreign students or few other specific groups must not be so privileged that it becomes an abuse on the rights of rest of the students. In some universities like COMSATS Islamabad and NUML Islamabad there departments like bio- sciences and ones that house most of the Chinese or Chinese learning students, respectively, that have all the facilities and luxuries available unlike rest of the departments. Educational institutions must not only serve the elite class desires or foreign students for the sole purpose of getting more funds and donations.
  • As we don’t have enough institutions that provide quality education. Many students have to live in far off cities for studies. The accommodation of those students should be supported by the government and the actions taken by the students towards possible solutions of such problems that come in this regard like boycott of some hostel mafia must, always, be promoted by the state.
  • Militarization of educational institutions must end. Such sacred grounds should not be switched to military barracks.
  • Extremism backed by some political elements and supported by the administration must end.
  • There must be anti-harassment cells in all the educational institutions after all sexual and physical violence in Islamic Republic of Pakistan has taken root, firmly.
  • The curriculum must be modified as the world has advanced and we still believe that decades old books will ensure our progress. We must not, at any condition, read the same and old books till eternity.
  • The administration must not spend the budget hand over fist over its own luxury and must think about the providing the facilities to the students.
  • Education budget should not be cut and not given to non-productive organizations.
  • Not just universities but every college and school must have Mental Health Support Groups to help the students going through anxiety, stress, panic attacks or above all maybe just listen to their minds.

If we fancy for the progress then we must focus on the reforms in this specific sectors. The reforms can never be made if the students are not included in this regard. So, the state must get back to the reality and accept its failure and be bit flexible towards the possible solutions.

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