On November 10, 70 years old Zainab also known as Maasi Zaini was protesting on coast of Gwadar with women against the closure of sea port for local fishermen. She asked for help and tens and thousands of women, children and fishermen gathered, marching on the main roads and streets of Gwadar calling their movement “Haq do”. Nearly one month has passed and she is cooking meals for the march protesters. Maulana Hidayat-ur-Rehman is now leading the march till the achievement of their demands.
The demands of “Haq do” movement include:
- Freedom for fishermen to go to sea: Elimination of special token system to go to sea. Fishermen should be allowed to go to sea without any permission.
- Release of seized cars and boats by coastguard.
- End to illegal, powerful trawlers mafia which is driving Gwadar’s marine life to extinction. The large fishing trawlers are encroaching on the livelihoods of poor fishermen of Ormara, Gwadar to Jiwani.
- Provision of clean drinking water in Darbela, Ziarat Machi, Nigore, Pishkan, Jiwani
- Removal of cases on protest leaders and names from Fourth Schedule.
- Elimination of unnecessary checkposts on major roads: All unnecessary checkposts should be removed. Release all the missing persons.
- Elimination of interference in cross-border trade with Iran: End to all kinds of interference and establishment of trade markets at Iran border
- Open Kulki point for transportation of oil and essentials, Kantani point should be completely opened for transport and distribution of oil and essentials.
- Implementation of quota for disabled people.
- Appointments on empty seats of education department’s non-teaching staff.
- Establishment of a university in Gwadar.
- Waivers and subsidies on utility bills.
- Priority to locals on jobs for development projects
- Implementation on agreement with Dar Bela affectees, compensation should be paid to affectees, separate area should be selected for land compensation.
- Damages for fishermen’s losses due to storms and illegal trawlers should be compensated immediately.
- Compensation paid to Expressway affectees, compensation should be paid to affectees, special measures should be taken for affected people.
- Curtailing the sale of fake medicines in Gwadar’s medical stores
- Closure of wine shops in Gwadar
- Removal of DG GDA, DC Gwadar AC Pasni, officials should be changed and replaced with capable individuals.
Baloch leader Yousuf Mustikhan, 74, the president of the Awami Workers Party (AWP), suffering with cancer, still went to Gwadar to show solidarity with his people, who did half century long struggle for the rights of Baloch people, was arrested on charge of sedition in Gwadar on December 9, 2021.